Feminist Isolation Fantasy

10 years ago by in Camp CARPA Tagged: , ,

REPORT FROM: Agent Corkey Sinks

As a part of an ongoing project, Feminist Isolation Fantasy, I have been researching media and literary representations regarding self-reliance, survival, and loneliness. I aim to present a variety of representations of isolated women and alternative communities to offset the deluge of negative connotations regarding female hermetism and separatists.


Survey participants emerge from their individual desert dwellings for a morning briefing.

While at CARPA, I conducted an introductory survey to evaluate professional/amateur areas of interest and media intake within the group. I hypothesized that a group of artists willing to retreat into the desert for a week would share similar interests and have insight into alternative histories and narratives. The survey acted as an icebreaker for many meaningful conversations and interesting leads for the Isolation Fantasy project. The data gathered will be compiled into a census of the CARPA community, complete with charts and graphs, images, and a number of short stories and parafictional reflections on my experience.

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  • Published: 21 posts