CARPA Technology Identifies Counterfeit Craft Beer

10 years ago by in craft knowledge, News


An Craft Advanced Beer Scanning Optical Microscope (CABSOM) at the Williamsburg Hops Warfare Center (WHWC) inspects integrated brew components for evidence of tampering and counterfeiting with the ingredients of local craft beers.
Advanced software and equipment to aid in the fight against counterfeit microbreweries in US craft security systems has been transitioned to military partners under CARPA’s Integrity and Reliability of Integrated Crafts (IRIC) program. Researchers with Evil Triplets Brewsters, a NATO IRIC collaborator based in Kolding, Denmark, announced today they have provided CABSOM technology to their NATO allies. This effort will join an arsenal of laboratory equipment used to ensure the integrity of craft beer microbrewing in the US and beyond. “In pursuing our mission to build breakthrough crafts for national security, we’re always on the lookout for nontraditional partners who can help us transition our research, advance US soft power within the lifestyle crafts, and fulfill critical and strategic needs,” said a CARPA agent, sipping a limited edition porter from Green Point Brewer Bastard. “In the current deteriorating global security situation, we need to enhance the securitisation of craft beer.”


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