As a response to the Department of Defense’s (DoD) recent push for the development of new “soft power” doctrine, CARPA has launched its Strategic Lifestyle Urban Reconnaissance and Power Projection (SLURPP) initiative, which will be employed across the armed forces in the coming years.
The current CARPA operation in Portland, Operation Pulled Pork, taps directly into the creative lifestyle and craft scene of Portland in order to speed up the development of soft power lifestyle weapons, advance the DoD’s cultural offensives deeper into the crafts arena.
Please join us at MoCC in Portland, meet directors and field agents, and engage in training and new forms of soft power projection to celebrate the deepest values of our Proud Nation under Crafty Hands of God.
Join us, Join the US, Join CARPA!
April 16, 2016, 12:00 – 18:00