It has long been known craft supports learning and a healthy life. Craft is also a great tool for empowerment, making people feel they have agency, even when they have no money, influence or power. As long studied by the DoD and CARPA, this makes arts and craft excellent tools to support the values of the Free West and the Freedom of the Market. The next CARPA offensive is now launching, spreading the values of the US and its allies through the network of peripheral nerves which connects neurons in the brain and spinal cord to organs, skin, and muscles, regulating a host of biological functions from digestion to sensation to locomotion to handicraft. Using the synaptic plasticity of the brain, the task is to harness the central nervous system of crafters for ingraining the values of our Freedom.
With the recent initiative on Tacit Neuroplasticity Training (TNT), CARPA will pursue the development of a series of special craft technologies to enhance learning of a wide range of cognitive skills, and modulate these towards producing small crocheted objects and “indy crafts”, ready to be sold at craft fairs and platforms such as Etsy. “Using craft and hands to shape synaptic plasticity is pivotal for learning and appreciating the core values of our American Way,” program manager Rudy K. Blanche says,”and with peripheral nerve stimulation and improved plasticity, this simply makes everyday crafters just so much nicer people.”