This serves as the official announcement that the dates for Camp CARPA’s 2013 installment have been changed. Camp CARPA will take place October 16-19 at the Shangri-La research and training facility in Joshua Tree, CA. As a contractor to U.S. Government Agencies, some of CARPA’s research will be presented to the public under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) after the information has been scanned through CARPA’s Public Release Center (PRC). As of orders from the Department of Defence (DoD):
“”DoD Instruction 5230.9 mandates a security and policy review of all official DoD information intended for public release that pertains to military matters, national security issues, or subjects of significant concern to the DoD. All DoD unclassified information (such as papers, presentations, videos, images, press releases, etc.) must be reviewed before it is released to the public.”
The Office of the Secretary of Defense’s Office of Freedom of Information is responsible for all CARPA FOIA requests. Due to the current conflict with unregulated and unconfirmed “leaks”, as of orders from the DoD, CARPA will limit its public presentations of research to October 18-19.
Please return to this site for more updates on how CARPA protects the values of the Free West, the US and our allies.
Written requests concerning CARPA information should be sent to: Office of Freedom of Information, 1155 Defense Pentagon, Washington, D.C., 20301-1155. Their phone number is (703) 696-4689.